Are you wondering, “Am I pregnant?” The easiest way to tell is to buy an over-the-counter test and find out. But some weird pregnancy symptoms can show up before you even realize it’s time to visit the pharmacy.
When you think about early pregnancy symptoms, morning sickness and quirky cravings probably come to mind. While these are two of the most common signs of pregnancy, many other changes happen to your body that indicates you’re expecting. Here are 31 weird pregnancy symptoms to be aware of.
Tracking your symptoms in an app can be helpful for both your health and your doctor; you can also monitor your baby’s development week-by-week with Femia pregnancy app.
Weird Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Know
Editors Note: Keyona Grant, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and the author of the Professional Momma Blog is today’s guest expert. She has reviewed this post and found it to be 100% medically accurate.
When I was researching this post, I found many strange early pregnancy symptoms that women commonly experience soon after conception. Some of these pregnancy symptoms (like #30) might shock you! I know I had never heard of a few of them.
After extensive fact-finding research, I compiled this list of 31 weird pregnancy symptoms every woman should know. Of course, if you do suspect you might be pregnant, it’s best to make an appointment with your doctor. An over-the-counter pregnancy test can give you the answers you need right away (and it only takes a minute).
In the meantime, if you think you’re pregnant, here are 31 strange symptoms of pregnancy.
#1 Acne and Sudden Skin Breakouts
Are you experiencing breakouts? Could a sudden increase in zits mean you’re pregnant? Like an increased level of acne, a change in the skin is an early pregnancy symptom for some people. A breakout or a worsening complexion may indicate a hormonal change due to the fluctuations that come with expecting a baby. Some women experience this weird pregnancy symptom very early after conception.
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#2 Sudden Mood Changes
Extreme mood changes are a common sign of pregnancy. If you are angry one minute and close to crying the next, you might be pregnant. Thanks to the shifting hormones in your body, your moods can be erratic and strange during the early parts of pregnancy. Even the most laid-back person may find that they get this odd pregnancy symptom.
#3 Bloating and Swelling is Another Strange Pregnancy Symptom
Is your wedding ring extra tight? Do you feel like your shoes or pants are suddenly snug? Yes, sudden bloating and water retention can be a sign of pregnancy. Even though it is standard for women to experience the swelling associated with pregnancy a few months in (obviously), the bloating and puffiness can begin right from the start for others.
#4 Vivid Dreams and Even Nightmares
Could weird dreams be a sign you’re pregnant? Vivid dreaming can definitely be an indication of pregnancy. When your body is undergoing the extreme changes of early pregnancy, you might find that your sleep is disrupted, and your dreams are very realistic. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to recall every detail of their nightmare or dream throughout the day.
#5 Sensitive Breasts are an Odd Sign You’re Pregnant
We might not think of breast changes as an early sign of pregnancy, but you can experience distinct changes when the hormones fluctuate in your body. Enlargement and sensitivity of the breasts are common symptoms even in the early weeks of pregnancy. If your breasts hurt or your bra feels suddenly too tight, then you might be pregnant.
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#6 Darkening of the Areola
During pregnancy, women’s breasts change so they can produce milk for their babies. One of those changes is a darkening of the areola—the area around the nipple. This is a strange symptom of pregnancy that might happen very early on. So, if you notice the darkening of your areolas, take a test to confirm your pregnancy status.
#7 Runny Nose & More Mucus
One of the gross symptoms of pregnancy (or at least unpleasant) is an increase in mucus and snot. This is a strange pregnancy symptom but one that pregnant women often report soon after conception.
If you observe you’re blowing your nose more often than usual or experiencing more mucus, you might be pregnant.
#8 Aches, Cramps, and Pains (Everywhere)
Almost everyone experiences headaches, cramps, and pains occasionally, so are aches a sign of pregnancy? Many women experience increased joint and back pains during early pregnancy, sudden headaches, and stabbing pains in the stomach.
Some even feel sudden sharp pains “down there” referred to as “lightning crotch” (although that is usually experienced later in pregnancy). Many women experience implantation cramping right when they become pregnant.
So if you have sudden and unusual pain, you may want to get a home pregnancy test.
#9 Missed Period (Not Always a Common Pregnancy Symptom)
A missed period is one of the typical pregnancy symptoms everyone thinks of. In fact, it’s probably the most common pregnancy symptom of all. It’s important to note that some women experience implantation spotting or bleeding, which can often seem almost like a period.
This leaves many women wondering, “Am I pregnant? Can I have a period when I’m pregnant?” If you have a light period while trying to conceive, you may want to go for a check to ascertain if you’re pregnant or not—especially if you’re experiencing other weird pregnancy symptoms.
#10 Nausea and Even Vomiting
If you’re feeling nauseous or find yourself throwing up, you aren’t alone. Most pregnant women experience nausea as an early symptom of pregnancy.
Many times, this progresses to morning sickness about six to eight weeks after conception. The pukey feeling varies in intensity and onset for most women.
Of course, even though this is a common symptom of pregnancy, some women are fortunate not to experience it at all.
#11 Intense Hunger Pains and Thirst
Are you starving? Do you feel like you could drink a gallon of water? Intense hunger and thirst, even after a short duration without food or water, could be a weird symptom of pregnancy.
Hunger pains differ widely between each woman. But if you notice that you’re constantly ravenous, you may want to check for pregnancy.
#12 Frequent Trips to the Bathroom
Could needing to pee all the time mean you’re pregnant? Some women experience significant changes in their regularity of using the restroom when pregnant. Anatomical changes early in pregnancy could increase the sensitivity of your bladder (not to mention increased thirst), causing you to feel the need to go more often.
For other women, increased urgency doesn’t happen until the later trimesters. Still, if you have to go more frequently than usual, you may want to get a pregnancy test.
#13 Rises and Drops in Body Temperature
Are you hot one minute and cold the next? Could body temperature changes mean pregnancy? During pregnancy, it’s pretty normal to feel an extreme change in body temperature.
You may want to choose thin clothing even on colder nights and keep your house cool to stay comfortable. On the other hand, you may experience the reverse as a weird symptom of pregnancy—temperature preferences vary from woman to woman.
#14 Heightened Sensitivity
Do you suddenly have an increased sense of smell? Are your teeth sensitive to different temperatures? Increased sensory (smell, taste, touch) can be among the weirdest pregnancy symptoms.
You might find your gum areas are very sensitive during flossing—even bleeding or feeling puffy. Scents may suddenly bother you or even make you feel sick. Increased sensitivity is another odd symptom of pregnancy.
#15 Indigestion is a Common Pregnancy Symptom
Many women experience indigestion when pregnant—typically, this is in the form of heartburn or indigestion. In general, tummy troubles during pregnancy stem from the rise in progesterone levels, which reduces the time it takes for food to get to the intestines.
Drinking plenty of water, taking a mild antacid, or using over-the-counter laxatives will help handle tummy troubles during early pregnancy.
#16 Changes in Sleep Patterns
Does your sleep change when you’re pregnant? Sleep pattern changes—either being unable to sleep as you toss and turn continually or suddenly snoring—are among the weird signs of pregnancy.
During pregnancy, some women experience insomnia or deeper-than-usual sleep. If you are experiencing changes in your sleep patterns, you might be expecting. Take a test to know where you stand.
#17 Pregnancy Means Strange Cravings
We’ve all heard the jokes about weird cravings during pregnancy, and for the most part, they’re true. Having powerful cravings is a common pregnancy symptom.
One moment you want French fries and ice cream, the next, you want chocolate and pickles. If you suddenly have some extreme appetite changes, it might be a sign you’re expecting.
#18 Yawning and Tiredness
Are you suddenly exhausted? Do you struggle with your regular routine at the gym? Can you barely keep awake at work or when hanging out with friends? Yes, you might be pregnant.
In the early stages of pregnancy, your body works very hard to adjust to your new state, leading to the early pregnancy symptom of tiredness and even excessive yawning.
#19 Increased Cervical Mucus and Discharge
Strange vaginal discharge can be normal and may indicate a lot of things, so don’t worry. But if you notice that you’re experiencing increased cervical mucus discharge (thick and odorless), it might be a sign that you have conceived.
Changes in discharge can be another strange pregnancy symptom.
#20 Stop in Hair Loss
One of the happier side effects of pregnancy is suddenly thick, healthier hair and less hair loss. While we all lose some hair every day, many women (but not all) notice that the amount of hair they lose is drastically reduced during pregnancy.
If you find that you haven’t cleaned out your hairbrush in weeks, you might want to consider a pregnancy test.
#21 Changes in Your Sex Drive
As a result of hormonal changes, your sex drive often changes during the early stages of pregnancy. Some women experience a decrease in libido, while other women’s sex drives increase.
This change in sex drive will vary throughout pregnancy stages too. You may notice a change right away, or differences in libido might occur in the later months as you get closer to your delivery date.
#22 Rashes and Itching
All those changing hormones during pregnancy can make you itch! Itching can be due to many different things like cholestasis (usually in the late stages of pregnancy), eczema, or PUPPPS.
Some women experience intense itching as a strange symptom of pregnancy. Now, of course, severe itching is unpleasant, so even if you are indeed pregnant, you may want to ask your doctor’s advice on relieving this weird pregnancy side effect.
#23 Temperature Charting Changes
Women trying to conceive are often advised to chart their basal temperature to help them recognize when they are ovulating. Temperature charting can also be part of a contraception plan. In your temperature log, you might notice a rise in your temperature if you are pregnant.
#24 Tiny Bumps on the Areolas
Tiny bumps, also known as Montgomery tubercles, appear around the areola as your body prepares for breastfeeding. You can see these raised skin bumps on either the nipple or the surrounding tissue of the areola (some bumps are quite normal, but a change may indicate pregnancy).
The bumps are more visible during stimulation of the nipple and are another common sign of pregnancy.
#25 Yeast infections
Yeast infections are common, and many women experience them throughout their lifetimes.
While a yeast infection doesn’t necessarily indicate pregnancy, the sudden and unusual onset of infection (including itchiness and discharge) may be an odd symptom of pregnancy.
Many women experience yeast infections during the early weeks of the first trimester.
#26 Awkward Metallic Taste
Could a strange taste be a sign of pregnancy? Many women report experiencing a tinny or metallic taste in the early stages of pregnancy. For some women, it is very pronounced, and others may barely notice this weird pregnancy symptom.
Some women experience the strange metallic taste throughout the different pregnancy stages and report that it doesn’t always go away entirely until delivery.
#27 Leaking breasts
Breast discharge is common during pregnancy, typically during the second trimester in the form of colostrum. However, some women report that they experience a small amount of leakage from their nipples in the early stages of pregnancy, right after conception.
Although this isn’t a common symptom of pregnancy, it’s a weird sign of pregnancy you should be aware of. It seems especially common for women who have already had a child before.
#28 A Sensitive Gag Reflex
Are you suddenly gagging as you’re brushing your teeth? One odd symptom of pregnancy is a more sensitive gag reflex, among other dental issues. Because of the increase of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, accompanied by an increased blood flow, gums may begin to swell. You may even notice bleeding when flossing or brushing.
An important note if you notice strange symptoms while brushing your teeth: visit the dentist to check for periodontitis and gingivitis, especially if you’re pregnant.
A severe version of periodontitis is linked with low birth weight, preterm labor, stroke, loss of teeth, and other health risks. The good news is that most dental issues disappear after giving birth.
#29 Rectal Pain
Some women experience rectal pain during early pregnancy due to tension on the ligaments near the anus and possible hemorrhoids. Unpleasant rectal pains aren’t a common sign of pregnancy, but they can arise during the nine months.
Hemorrhoids result from the increased pressure on the veins around the anus and the added weight of the baby, which leads to swollen tissues. Straining and constipation worsen the situation, so you may want to consider a stool softener and drink plenty of water. To ease inflammation, try a warm bath, medicated pads, and special creams.
#30 Sensitivity to Colors is a Weird Pregnancy Symptom
Ready for one of the strangest pregnancy symptoms? Many women have revealed their distaste for specific colors during pregnancy.
Some pregnant women get nauseous while staring at colors or may even feel emotional and angry. As absurd as it may seem, if you suddenly notice yourself getting stressed out by a particular shade of blue, you should consider a pregnancy test.
#31 Skin Tags and Moles
Our expert, Keyona Grant, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and the Professional Momma Blog author, says that skin tags and moles can also develop during pregnancy.
Skin changes are a common issue for pregnant mothers-to-be, and if you notice a change, it might be a weird pregnancy sign. Of course, even if you’re not pregnant, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on any unusual skin changes.
Are there Any Other Weird Pregnancy Symptoms?
These 31 weird pregnancy symptoms are certainly some of the strongest indications of pregnancy, but all women experience some signs and changes when they conceive. Some other common pregnancy symptoms include dark patches on the facial skin and a difference in breast milk taste if the woman is still breastfeeding another child.
The development of enlarged purple veins on the legs is another pregnancy symptom that may occur slightly further into the pregnancy. These veins pop up because of the need for a more significant amount of blood supply that carries extra nutrients and oxygen to the baby.
Women’s bodies go through many changes during pregnancy, so you should expect some weird signs and symptoms. Of course, these changes aren’t pleasant, but they help us know a baby is on the way and our body is preparing. As soon as you find out that you’re pregnant, it’s essential to reach out to your doctor and take the proper medical steps to make sure you stay healthy for yourself and your baby!
If you have experienced other weird pregnancy symptoms that we didn’t mention, let us know in the comments! What is the oddest pregnancy symptom you experienced? How did you know you were pregnant?
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About the Expert:
Keyona is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and the author of the Professional Momma Blog. She helps working moms simplify motherhood so they can excel in both their work life and home life. Be sure to check out her pregnancy gift guide for first time moms.
Check out our new 188 page Pregnancy Journal for a stress-free pregnancy!
Are you struggling to plan the perfect pregnancy? There is so much to do and it can be overwhelming.Wouldn’t you like a solution to have a stress-free pregnancy?
This pregnancy journal has everything that you need to have a successful pregnancy! Only $7 for a limited time.
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Gugu Ndlovu says
I have a eczema rush on my thighs and knee,and it’s one right leg only what does it mean. I have never experienced any eczema rush before
Dominique Wilson says
Fantastic article! In my [limited] experience, switching to flouride-free toothpaste reduced the gagging sensation when brushing. Take care!