Having a family is so time consuming that one may wonder how a mom could find time to do anything else. However, several moms are finding that starting a blog helps them make extra money for their family. How do mom bloggers with busy families find time for blogging? These fabulous ladies, I call the Mom Bloggers Club, from Billionaire Blog Club share how they make time to blog while juggling a family.
Q: How Do Mom Bloggers Make Time For Blogging?
Mom Bloggers Club #1 Anna from Abrazo and Coze
“Like many things in life, sometimes it’s a challenge to balance family with other interests and priorities, and that is true of blogging. I take advantage of free moments for small tasks, and I dedicate a specific amount of time after my kids are in bed to work. On weekends, when Mr A takes the girls swimming, I have a longer time frame to work as well.”
Mom Bloggers Club #2 Beth from The DGAF Mom
“I’m a freelance writer, blogger, and because I have so much flexibility in my schedule, I’m able to juggle the workload and my family. This is super helpful when I’ve got two sick kiddos home from daycare, like today, for example. It sucks when I’m on deadline and need to work at night or on the weekend to catch up. That being said, I’ve never worked so hard in my entire life and yet I don’t mind the overtime at all because I’m in love with what I’m doing in a way I’ve never had with any other job.
Time management is key though, and through a lot of trial and error I’ve set up systems to keep me on track with all my assignments, our family responsibilities, and all our house chores through Trello. Trello is like a bulletin board or dry erase board except, it’s digital. I literally have scheduled days for laundry, going through the mail, paying bills and more with Trello. And then every day I have tasks I have to accomplish for my blog before I can even start work on my client’s assignments.
I also have this ticking clock of either a nap ending if they’re home or their arrival home from daycare so it keeps me pushing forward. There’s no time to waste so I don’t get to f*ck around on Facebook all day at work (like I might have used to). I end up working really hard for about 6 – 7 hours during the day and then maybe 2/3 more hours after they go to bed or on each weekend day when the youngest is taking a nap.”
Check out Beth’s blog post about mom hacks to get more stuff done for mom bloggers and those who don’t blog.
Keep reading and check out what other mom bloggers have to say!
Mom Bloggers Club #3 Christina from Raising Biracial Babies
“I work from home, (I have a part time work at home job and I work on my blog) and I have a family to care for. The key to successfully managing my time is by creating a flexible routine.
I have little kids, so while they understand when I’m working I can’t play with them, they also have lots of needs that I still have to meet. I always make sure I have play time and reading time with them throughout the day and then I give them independent play time, which is when I work. I also learned to work in the margins of my day.
So first thing in the morning before my kids get up, I get some work done. When they used to have nap time I would work, now it’s during their playtime. And after the kids go to bed I get the bulk of my work done. I have to be very strict with myself so I get all my tasks done. Like I can’t just veg out and watch TV after the kids go to bed, I have to make sure all my items for the day are done. It’s definitely hard to be productive at times! Yes, I just don’t allow myself to watch TV, scroll through social media, or read until after I’ve finished my work. I’ve found that once I made that my routine, it became easier to stick to it.
It’s not easy to be a work at home mom, but it’s worth it because I still get to be home raising my kids while making money to support my family.”
Mom Bloggers Club #4 Elizebeth from Beauty of Selah
“I am a homeschool mama of 3 small children! I have to be intentional with my time. I wake up before my children do and go to sleep after them. I’m also able to work most days when my youngest two are napping and my oldest is having quiet time. Being organized is what helps me the most. I also have lots of blogging organization tips on my blog!”
Mom Bloggers Club #5 Hilda from Real Mom Help
“We have 3 kids together and also raise my husband’s daughter. We have a puppy and I homeschool. Needless to say we are busy.
Hilda’s Mom Bloggers Tips:
- I get up early to get a head start on my day. This, I only started doing after my youngest one stopped nursing and I was able to get at least a few hours of good sleep.
- I meal plan and prep dinner earlier in the day when I can, so I always have the ingredients on hand and when we have an extra busy day I can just throw things in the oven or a pot and have a healthy yet easy meal.
- I stick to a routine for my weekdays and weekends, and usually try to follow that to keep me on track. Being a stay at home mom who has nobody to tell her what to do (well, that’s not true, but I go with that), I need to keep myself accountable to get everything done that matters to me.
Awesome tips, Hilda! Being one of the mom bloggers isn’t easy but so worth it!
Mom Bloggers Club #6 Jen from Minnesota Mom Blogger
“I manage family and blogging by prioritizing my blog tasks and tackling them during naps or after my baby is in bed. We work hard to make sure that family time is a priority.”
Mom Bloggers Club #7 Jo Anne from Weaningful
“I blog about baby nutrition, first foods and recipes for little ones. I have two small ones myself and honestly, blogging is a challenge nowadays. I mostly do it at naptimes, when, oddly enough, I can’t sleep. However, when the kids go to bed at night, I do too cause I think a mom needs to be rested enough to tackle the day’s challenges. So far I haven’t sacrificed my sleep for blogging.
What I do though, is either take advantage of small moments of time when things are quiet. I may try to split tasks into things I can do from my mobile phone, on the go, or when I am with the baby in my arms, and tasks that require me to be at a laptop. Plus, all distractions need to be turned off, especially social media, otherwise I get easily distracted and waste precious time.
I have no relatives to help with taking care of the kids, except the odd holiday visits from time to time. But I need to blog to bring an extra income and so far I managed to get into Mediavine (an advertising platform for bloggers) and bring some cash to the table. I am currently working on my first ebook and it’s taking me longer than expected. And it’s okay, cause as a mom I am allowed to take my time with juggling so many things at once.”
Mom Bloggers Club #8 Karen from Entertain Your Toddler
“I’m mom to a teething 7-month-old and a silly 2.5-year-old. These two kids drive me crazy! The one thing that helps me use my time effectively as a stay-at-home mom is to NOT multi-task. I focus on single tasks for 10 minutes at a time only when the kids are occupied.
These micro-tasks are quick and easy, like taking pictures and researching post ideas. Then once the kids are in bed, I’ll do the things that require laser-focus. Not multi-tasking allows me to devote all my mental energy into one thing, whether its playing with the kids, hanging out with my husband, or blogging, and that keeps me sane and productive!”
Mom Bloggers Club #9 Keyona from Professional Momma
“I’ve learned that in order to be a great mom to my daughter and run a successful business while working a full-time job, I have to be intentional about my time. Until my daughter goes down for the night, my attention is on her and getting prepared for the next day. We play, eat dinner, have bath time and even read a couple of books before she finally goes to sleep.
Once she’s asleep, I focus on the business. I use a planner to help me stay organized and plan out my daily tasks for the week on Sundays. I dedicate certain days to certain tasks. Sunday is Pinterest scheduling. Monday is email. Tuesday is about content research. Wednesday I write. Thursday I create pins. Friday I take courses or read ebooks. This process has really helped me to stay productive and feel like I’m not neglecting my daughter. After all, she’s the reason I’m doing this.”
That’s an amazing reason for being one of the mom bloggers, Keyona! I certainly am doing mom blogging myself in order to spend more time with my son. Keep on reading to see more tips.
Mom Bloggers Club #10 Lacey from Simple Quiet Momma
“I’m a full-time mama to 2 little girls. They are my world. When it comes to time management while running a blog and mommin’ full-time… things can get a little tricky! The entire belief behind my blog is that everything we do should be to strengthen our relationships, especially those relationships with our children. With that in mind, my girls come before my blog always. I do most of my mompreneur work during naptime/quiet time and after bedtime.
Sometimes I even get super ambitious and get some good work done before my family wakes up. The whole point of being a mompreneur is to better the lives of your family, right? And while that involves quite a bit of sacrifice, it’s entirely possible to still be present and available to your family. I try to sit down on Sunday evenings and plan out my goals for the week, as well as jotting down a quick to-do list each night before bed for the following day.
Staying laser focused during work time is key, so I like to work out ahead of time when my working hours will be so that my husband can cover the girls. Open communication with my husband about my goals, dreams, and plans has been a major contributor to finding the time and motivation to keep it up.”
Mom Bloggers Club #11 Mrs. B from One Weird Mamma
“I manage my time by keeping a running list of “to-do’s” in my bullet journal, time blocking, grouping similar tasks, and automating what I can. So when I think of something that needs doing it goes into my bullet journal, I have a system there that prioritizes and keeps high priority items which get worked on next vs the less important ones so I always know what I’m working on next.
Which is where time blocking comes in, I work full time as well so fitting in time to build my own business means a lot of juggling, at the moment my lunch and breaks at work are blocked for blog work and you would be surprised how much you can do if you know what you’re working on when you sit down to do it. Grouping tasks and automating go hand in hand. If I write out 3 posts I know I’m in the writing mode and can likely get out another 2 it saves time so I get more done.
I also find that when I schedule things like social media sharing and Pinterest Pinning I’ll do it in bulk and schedule out a long way by adding lots of posts and pins at once instead of a few here and a few there, that way I don’t have to log in to the same software multiple times in one week, I can sit down and do it once and not look at it for a month.
I also do some of this via automation, saving links for interesting articles I’ve read into one account that is now set to scan for keywords and move those links into my social and pinning schedule without me having to worry about doing anything other than saving the article. No need to log in and add all those things to each social account & pinning schedule either.
The best part of this all is that I still have my family time, I get to spend at least 2 hours a day with my kiddo and husband and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.”
Family time is the best time for mom bloggers! I’m so proud of everyone for sharing their tips thus far. 😊
Mom Bloggers Club #12 Rachel from This Crafty Home
“I am currently a stay at home mom of a 7 month old and a 3 year old. Some days it is impossible to work. Others I do great! I make a list at the beginning of each week of what I want to get done.
I try to use my phone to prewrite things or listen to entrepreneur/marketing podcasts to keep myself in the right headspace. Most of my work gets done in an hour or two each night then weekends when my husband takes over and I get solid time. It is not easy, but it is so worth it!”
Mom Bloggers Club #13: Tere from Preemie Mom Tips
“I have a blog (as one of the mom bloggers) and am a mom to a wonderful toddler! I decided to open it because of him! My husband and I both work from home, and I work on both my blog and a full-time job. So things aren’t always easy around here!
My Ollie is 2 years old, so he needs a lot of attention. He goes to school in the mornings, so I make sure to at least get 3 hours of uninterrupted blog work in the morning. My husband helps me with the chores (except cooking, his cooking skills need aren’t that good 😂). I then make sure I work on my blog a few more hours after Ollie goes to sleep for the night.
And I try to squeeze every second I can between my full-time job, which starts in the afternoon, taking care of my toddler, and being a wife. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!”
BONUS: #14 Becky from Mom Beach (ME!) 😊
“Like one of the many mom bloggers, I use the Living Well Planner from Living Well Spending Less to plan out my blog posts for the week. I’m currently not working a full time job so I blog starting at 8 am in the morning. When I was working, I would get up at 5 am to spend some time on my blog.
I purchased the 10 Hour Time Block Strategy from The Busy Budgeter awhile back and this really helped my time as it does many other mom bloggers. It tells you to use a simple egg timer and blog in 25 minute increments with a 5 minute break between. I do 3-4 25 minute time blocks on a good day. I also dropship so I use the timer to manage my store as well.”
Do You Want To Be One of the Mom Bloggers?
Now that you know that starting a blog is possible when you have a family, then why don’t you start your own blog today and become one of the mom bloggers! Please check out my detailed guide here on how to start a blog. I am 4 months into blogging myself and highly enjoy it! It is possible to make money from blogging and you can read my latest income report here
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Lacie says
This was extremely helpful. It’s so hard carving out time to blog. I’m looking forward to incorporating some of the tips from this post. Thank you!
Becky says
That’s great! I wish you luck on your journey!