Do you need a distraction from reading everything you can find about the pandemic? I know I do. I could honestly write a 15-page Master level Thesis with an extensive Literature review! Wait, that sounds fun because I love writing. I know, I’m weird. Here is a list of activities you can during the quarantine. Anyway, that brings me to the first idea to be productive instead of panicking on my list of activities to do at home during quarantine that you’ve probably been too busy to do for a long time:
This is a guest post by Christine Duff. Take it away, Christine!
#1 Make a daily schedule
Whether you’re working from home or are not working at this time, you might have a different schedule than you did before. Keep yourself motivated by typing or writing a set daily schedule that you must follow and treat it as if it was made by a controlling micro-managing boss, and you want a promotion!
Follow it as much as possible, and if you get sidetracked, continue to the time it is when you’re ready to get back to the schedule, not where you left off. This is important because it will keep you going and not feel stressed about being behind on the rest of the schedule. You can do what you missed the next day if it can wait.
Use our free Goal Getting Planner to plan out your schedule!
Keeping yourself on a routine or schedule during these stressful times will help your mental health by keeping at least some normalcy during a time that it seems like the world has turned upside-down in such a short amount of time.
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- 40 Activities for Toddlers at Home Indoors and Outdoors
- 4 Best Crafts for Kids to Maximize Parent-Child Bonding
- 21 Ideas For Proactive Parenting to Help You Be a Better Parent
#2 Use those craft sets that have been collecting dust.
If you have kids, chances are your child has gotten craft sets for a holiday or birthday that they forgot all about. Drag one out and craft! You don’t even have to include the kids if you don’t want to. Spending time trying something new will distract you from the stress of your problems. Avoiding stress is an essential thing to do right now.
Several health problems can be caused by stress alone. You can make jewelry, sew, or just cut paper to make shapes or animals if you don’t have a craft set. Try things that you haven’t done in a while, like knitting, painting, or needlepoint.
Amazon Craft Sets To Try:
#3 Play a board game
Most people have at least a few board games stacked up somewhere, I know I do! We are usually too busy in our daily lives to play a board game with someone. You can also play games with cards like war or solitaire.
Amazon Board Games to Try:
#4 Dig up stuff from the attic or storage to reminisce and/or teach children what life was like when you were their age
You must have something you had saved from when you were younger. When is the last time you looked at an old photo album or a yearbook from school? It will be fun to compare what life was like when you were little to the modern days. Children can learn a lot from your history. Imagine their faces when they learn everyone had a home phone with a cord connected to the wall, and there weren’t any tablets!
#5 Dust!
Keep your respiratory system healthy during this health crisis by dusting everything throughout your home. Dust webs can form in corners where you wouldn’t usually notice. You can use an old shirt or towel if you don’t have any paper towels. Be sure to check everywhere: window-sills and blinds, ceiling fans, shelves, and picture frames are a few areas often overlooked.
#6 Clean out your garage.
Do I still need this Business Law book from college before I changed my major in 2011? Probably not. This is an actual stack of bins in my garage. I have no clue what is in the rest of these 3 storage containers, but I am going to find out soon as I work on this idea list too! You may need to throw away a lot of clutter that has been in the garage also. Trash is still running as far as I know, but consider calling a junk removal service if you have more significant amounts of items to discard. I’m sure those companies will appreciate the opportunity to get work right now.
#7 Color
Grab a coloring book and nestle into your favorite chair. Think of being a kid with no worries about bills or work. Just start coloring those ponies and forget the world. If you don’t have a coloring book, then find some blank paper or use the back of your bills! You can draw lines and shapes on the blank paper then start coloring the shapes you made. Try it.
Amazon Coloring Books to Try:
- My Little Pony Coloring and Activity Book
- Hello Kitty and Friends Coloring Book
- Pony Pals Giant Coloring and Activity Book
#8 Learn a new language
There are many subscription services you can pay for, like Rosetta Stone that is currently offering 3 days free without asking for a credit card! You can learn some Spanish, French, Turkish or any of their 25 languages. I signed up for my free 3 day trial here to learn some more Spanish.
If you decide it’s not for you, there’s no loss since it’s just a trial. You can also find free resources to learn languages online if you search. This is a useful activity to do at home during quarantine.
#9 Go through papers that pile up and file/throw away
Do you have a mail pile or just random papers you save from kids or work? Go through them and throw them away. If you want to hold onto memories of your child’s school days, keep about 10 really meaningful things from each year and make a scrapbook.
A scrapbook would be fun to keep and show them when they’re older, but if you just keep a pile of unorganized papers, you will be less likely to ever look at them later in life.
You may also have important papers buried in the stack of old store ads. Put them in some file. If there’s anything that isn’t an unexpired coupon that you may use, something for a scrapbook, or something that needs to be filed, then throw it into the recycling bin. Make sure to shred or rip any papers with identifying information before throwing out though, to be safe.
#10 Learn how to cook/try new recipes
I’m sure you have at least one cookbook or have seen recipes posted online. Use this extra time at home to learn how to cook something new. This is also an excellent time to go through your food and see what will expire soon so you can be sure to eat it first.
Instead of running out to the store after it’s already empty and panic-buying things you’ve never tasted before like couscous and bone broth (guilty), you may already have all the ingredients for a meal at home that you’ve never thought of making. There is a website and app for your devices called SuperCook.
You type in the ingredients for stuff you already have, and it will search for recipes with similar ingredients from cooking sites. You can access their website and app here.
Amazon Cookbooks to Try:
#11 Teach your pet a trick
There are several websites that can help you learn how to teach your pet. Your dog can quickly learn how to do a handshake and roll over with a little patience.
Search for websites that can help you learn how to teach them. According to this article, “Dogs aren’t the only animals that can learn tricks! Cats can too – it just requires some patience and diligence”).
Other animals can learn tricks too! We have a guinea pig and have trained it to only defecate in one corner of the cage. Here’s an article on a website called Pets and Kids that can help you train other small pets.
#12 Make a diary with entries every day about how this experience is affecting you. After this is all over, it will be fun to read
Take the time to record a few sentences every day to keep yourself grounded. Try to write more positive things than bad things. For example: instead of writing, “we were stuck in the house, and everything was closed” write “we had time as a family in our home, something that we didn’t do that often before with all the rushing around of life”. This is a fun activity to do at home during quarantine.
It is great to switch your brain to see the positive in every situation to keep yourself from slipping into depression.
#13 Start a Blog to Make Extra Money
Why not start a blog to make extra money during this difficult time? I currently make over $1k a month with Mom Beach.
Check out our detailed guide on how to start a money-making blog for beginners.
More Things You Can Do During the Quarantine?
I hope these 13 ideas will help you and your family stay focused through this challenging time. I know writing this article for you gave me some peace of mind knowing that I may be able to help you find some peace and order during this uncertain time in the world. Stay busy and stay safe.
If you know of any more activities you can do at home during the quarantine, please comment below! How is the quarantine affecting you?
Related Posts:
- 40 Activities for Toddlers at Home Indoors and Outdoors
- 4 Best Crafts for Kids to Maximize Parent-Child Bonding
- 21 Ideas For Proactive Parenting to Help You Be a Better Parent
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