I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Work smarter, not harder.” Never does this phrase come to mind as often for me as when I’m cleaning the house. It can feel exhausting and tedious to clean the same areas over and over again. What I’ve learned over the years through experience is that it’s best to have a system and to use clever home organization hacks to keep me sane. Here are some of my favorite home organization hacks to try.
#1 Leave no space unused – Home Organization Hacks
First and foremost, when organizing your home, keep in mind that unused space is wasted space! Remember to use what you have and use it well. It starts with taking advantage of empty space.
One of the number one locations for expanding your home organization starts with taking advantage of the space behind cabinet doors. This space is just waiting for your stuff!
Photo Credit: Working Mother
In the above example, the back of a cabinet door is used to organize measuring cups and spoons. This is also an excellent space to store measuring conversions for cooking and baking.
Here’s another example of not leaving space unused. In this bathroom, an extra shelf was installed above the door. This home organization hack effectively uses blank space for home storage while adding valuable storage space to this home bathroom for towels and toiletries.
Photo Credit: Forever Free By Any Means
Related Posts:
- Storage Ideas for Small Spaces on a Budget: 7 Inspiring Ideas!
- DIY Organization Ideas
- FREE Home Binder: 20+ Pages of Meal Planning, Cleaning and MORE!
#2 Use gorgeous containers to make home organization more effective and more stylish
No one ever said that home organization hacks have to be boring. That’s why I love fun containers like the one pictured below for the bathroom, the home office, and/or the kitchen. Use containers like these in the bathroom to organize nail polish, makeup, cotton balls, q-tips, etc.
Photo Credit: Redbook Magazine
#3 Find the right storage solution for the right items and spaces
When it comes to organizing your home, you have to start by assessing which items you have to organize (after purging) and which spaces these items have to go into. In the example below, a garment bag is used as a clever storage solution for gift-wrapping paper.
A solution like this is smart because the garment bag is the perfect size for storing the item (long tubes of gift-wrapping paper) and is the perfect size for the space where the item is being stored (inside a closet). With a home organization hack like this, you’ll never have to deal with paper tubes falling all over the place.
Photo Credit: Good Housekeeping
In this next picture, a similar storage solution is used for hanging tank tops in a closet. Hang tank tops with shower curtain rings and line them up on a hanger. I hate folding tank tops, because it makes them hard to find when they are all in a pile. With this simple hack, you can see all of your tank tops at once while not taking up much closet space.
Photo Credit: The Spruce
In this third example, a home organization hack makes it possible to clean up your board games. How many times have you had to go grab a board game from you closet and made a bunch of stuff fall off the shelf? We’ve all been there.
With this storage solution, keep your board games in a set of plastic drawers, and label them to make them easy to find.
Photo Credit: Pure Wow
#4 Borrow some tips from Marie Kondo – Home Organization Hacks
Seriously. She knows what she’s doing. After watching the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, I was inspired to purge some clothes and reorganize my closet. Let me tell you. Her methods really work. I was able to purge a ton of clothes that I never wore and make room for new pieces. Then, I started using her style of folding and storing my clothes in dresser drawers.
With her folding techniques, I was able to free up two whole dresser drawers to make more room. Plus, now it’s a lot easier and a lot faster for me to find pieces while getting ready in the morning. Use the diagram below to learn how to fold clothes with Marie Kondo’s technique.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
#5 Give items new life by upcycling them into home organization
This home organization hack repurposes an old VHS case into a picture frame that doubles as a secret storage space. I love this clever idea. Plus, the secret to living in small spaces is to have items that serve dual purposes. This home organization hack allows you to both show off your family photos and store small items.
Photo Credit: DIY Cozy Home
In this next example, a binder ring was given new life and used for home storage. You can use a binder ring, or even a shower curtain ring, to store hair ties. Hair ties are one of those items that are always popping up everywhere, yet you can never seem to find one when you really need it.
Photo Credit: The Crazy Craft Lady
#6 Use tension rods to hold cleaning supplies
In DIY home organization, tension rods are not just for clothes. Use them to free up room in spaces like under the kitchen sink.
Here you can see that a tension rod is used to hold spray bottles and common household cleaners, making room below on the floor of the cabinet for other items like dish sponges, bottles of cleaner, and brushes. Not only does this home organization hack make your cabinet look a lot neater, but it also makes it a lot easier to find what you’re looking for.
Photo Credit: Little House of Four
#7 Use containers from the dollar store where you can
Use craft supply containers from the dollar store to organize small pieces of jewelry. Not only will your pairs of earrings stay together, but the container also fits nicely into a small drawer. You can also use plastic ice cube trays from the dollar store for the same purpose.
Photo Credit: Hustle and Hearts
I hope you enjoyed learning about these home organization hacks and that you’re able to implement them to clean up your home! Just remember to keep things simple and find the right solutions for the right spaces and the right items!
Do you have any home organization hacks to share? Let us know in the comments!
Related Posts:
- Storage Ideas for Small Spaces on a Budget: 7 Inspiring Ideas!
- DIY Organization Ideas
- FREE Home Binder: 20+ Pages of Meal Planning, Cleaning and MORE!
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