Are Snapchat and Instagram the future of social media marketing? Let’s dive in..
The Question:
Is it is true?! At first, I felt that Instagram and Snapchat were not here to stay for the long haul and were only “new fangled” applications. I believed that they were created only to appeal to young teens in order to annoy their parents.
After attending a thought-provoking webinar on the future of marketing regarding Instagram itself, my mind was changed and I was blown away. The potential for advertising is actually huge on both Instagram and Snapchat. You only need to be creative in your marketing!
The Experiment:
My own Instagram now has almost 2,000 followers, yet I have only been publishing content this year. I have gotten great success from marketing my various freelance businesses on the platform by using creative marketing endeavors. Through my Instagram, I have been converting many people over to my Snapchat as well. I produce creative videos there that market my singing and “improv” comedy.
Not everyone shares my enthusiasm, however. I have tried until I was out of breath to convince companies that I have been interviewing at to hire me so that I could show them my social media strategy regarding both applications.
Instead, I decided to try Instagram and Snapchat for myself after researching and experimenting heavily. My conclusion? I have been successful! 🙂
When I used both platforms together, I had even more clients contact me for my freelance services! It helps because my family could use the funds in order to pay off our home early. Our end goal is to make Dave Ramsey‘s methods work for us so that we can start sponsoring missionaries.
The Research:
If you still don’t believe me and think that Snapchat and Instagram are nothing but an annoying app for teens, I have news for you! Even Targetand other top brands are utilizing the power of Snapchat and Instagram right now because these giants see the potential. Ad Week published an eye-opening article onTarget’s ecommerce partnership with Snapchat entitled “Target and Lancome Produce Snapchat’s First Ecommerce Ads Users can swipe up to buy featured products” last week.
“While creative on Snapchat is still relatively limited ads, just like content, are capped at 10 seconds Snapchat has experimented over the past few months with similar ads that ask consumers to ‘swipe up” for more content.”
It seems no one I have spoken to on interviews is taking Instagram or Snapchat seriously as tough contenders at the forefront of successful marketing. Most big companies, like MARS for instance, do not even have an Instagram account nevertheless a Snapchat at the time of this publication. I tweeted MARS a few weeks regarding this and see what they responded! Clearly someone’s “marketing teams” have their heads in the sand.
Target is not alone. I have even seen Maybelline New York reach out out to mega-popular Instagrammer/Snapchatter/Youtuber kkimthai this month!
Maybelline New York MaybellineDon’t miss
@kkimthai‘s in depth spring beauty tutorial on our snapchat!!
The Solution:
One method is reaching out to a popular “Instasnaptuber” (LOL!) because it is a great way to utilize the potential of Instagram and Snapchat together. Some of these people are even prolific on You Tube.
Hiring peoplelike Kim with lots of influence and followers (100k+) do not cost companies much money as they are not “high-paid and spoilt” celebrities like the Kardashians. These amazing people are sweet and fun to work with. Also, happy to get paid for doing what they love! I encourage more companies to reach out to popular “Instasnaptubers” like Kimthai (and myself when I get there).
Do you think that Instagram and Snapchat have a bright future in social media marketing? Why or why not?
Thank you for reading and happy #Instasnaptubing!<3
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