SPEAKERS: Becky Beach and Faith Lee
Duration: 52m:38s
Becky Beach: 00:00
Did you know you have the power to change your life? It all depends on your beliefs. If you have limiting beliefs, you’re limit yourself. I’m Becky Beach. I’m here to help you overcome your limiting beliefs. So, you can design your dream life. This is the Becky Beach show.
Hey, everybody, welcome to the Becky Beach show. I’m Becky Beach. And today’s guest is Faith Lee. She’s the owner of Faith’s Biz Academy, where she sells courses and memberships. I’m so glad you’re here today, Faith.
Faith Lee: 00:30
Hi, Becky, thank you so much for having me. I am so excited to be here.
Becky Beach: 00:34
Oh, yeah. I’m going to start by these courses you have, how many do have narrow?
Faith Lee: 00:41
I think I’ve over 20 and all these have been created in the last 12 months. So that’s what in 20 courses.
Becky Beach: 00:48
Wow! I feel like Keanu Reeves, always go like Wow! you know.
Faith Lee: 00:59
I think courses has really helped me grow my business and I think I have about more than 4000 students from all the 20 courses combined so far.
Other than creating courses, I basically I also create and sell PLR Products and then I do courses to train people on how to improve their design skills, so that they can actually create products better on their own like digital products like printables. And more recently running coaching programs. So, I do have one to one mastermind coaching programs, as well as group coaching programs.
Becky Beach: 01:36
How is that been going? Like, you’re newer to sell on the coaching programs, like how long you’ve been doing that?
Faith Lee: 01:43
I started with just one-to-one coaching and that was actually about a year ago. So, I launched that in November. So, it’s been ongoing for a year. So, I have been doing group coaching in the last three months, less than three months, actually only about two months, because I launched this new three-month program, which I call “The Final-Quarter Breakthrough”, with the objective of helping online sellers prepare to have to set up a proper Black Friday marketing campaign where they can actually sell their own products where they can have a sales funnel set up everything done nicely. So, with structured lessons, I’m also doing group coaching. So, I’ve been coaching a group of ladies very wonderful and very enthusiastic about the business.
So through the last two months of running weekly coaching calls and having guiding them through Facebook, I realized that I don’t just want to do one on one, I also want to do group coaching, which is why I then decided to run a new membership program, which is called the “Design your Biz Membership”, which then gives you unlimited access to all my courses at a really affordable rate of just $47 a month and if you were to top up $20 more, then you get access to the exclusive Facebook group as well as group coaching, because I think the problem with courses is that even though is good, that is self-paced, and then you can just go according to your own pace because we’re also busy. We’re not just taking courses, we’re also doing a lot of other things for our online business. so that’s good about having courses but the downside is sometimes because it’s self-paced, we end up procrastinating or we end up taking so long that we might not even complete the entire course ourselves. So, then it defeats the whole purpose of actually taking a course. So, I do hope that having the group coaching element in it helps to motivate people help to answer your questions better to closely follow you through the entire course so that you actually get things done and you actually benefit from all the skills and the knowledge actually imparted in the course itself.
Becky Beach: 03:49
Yes, I totally agree. I really like group coaching. I have a group coaching membership. I do like very few people in it. I just love how they can bounce off their own ideas. So, it’s not all reliant on me because you know, with one on one, it’s you and the person and when if you can’t think of anything else to say, it’s kind of awkward silence, you have to counter that.
Faith Lee: 04:08
Yeah. I looked at it that the positive energy bounce off when you’re in a group because everyone is excited to learn about something and I do agree that we do not have all the answers of time, especially when it’s one to one coaching, there are times where I would just have to say that, “it’s not really something I’m familiar with, so I can’t really answer you probably” and then if it’s in a group coaching session, someone else can actually jump in and say, “Hey, I have this experience…”, so this is what I did. I really like that because people are willing to share when they have that avenue or the channel to share actually, most people are quite forthcoming and are willing to share and help with each other. So, I love that positive energy in there.
Becky Beach: 04:53
I just so agree. Well, tell us more about yourself. Like I understand you have three kids like so how do you do this?
Faith Lee: 05:03
So, yes, I’ve got three kids and I live in Singapore. So, I’m like, 1000s of miles away from you, and most of our audience. I’ve got three kids, ages- eight, seven, and four.
Becky Beach: 05:16
What! four? [inaudible 05:19] a four-year-old, like a big. Well, I remember my child was four he was, [inaudible 05:23] had 10 kids, he was just really out there.
Faith Lee: 05:25
Yeah, so I do have quite a bit of help from my parents, especially my mom. So, she comes over to help me take care of the kids. So, some background is that my full-time job is an insurance agent. So, I’m a financial services consultant, aka insurance agent, which I’ve been doing since 2010. But as insurance agents in Singapore, we’re actually considered self-employed. So, we do not get like a regular monthly income, we are only earning based on commission. So, then I have to actively source for new clients like do roadshows, door knocking, basically cold calling to get new clients, which is what I have been doing for the last 10 years. And then until my third kid came along, and then I couldn’t just dump them to my mom, I can’t just leave them to my mom to take care of them. So, I took a huge step back for my day job and then I stayed at home I show for the kids, all the mothering duties. And then, of course, because of that, the income from my day job actually suffered. So, then I had to find ways to make more money. So, then I decided that, “Hey, maybe I could turn to blogging” because I think I’m a good writer, but that’s just my personal opinion. So, I thought I could start writing stuff, write a blog, and maybe make money from there then but it’s not easy. I’m sure you know yourself, better than many of us. it’s not just about writing articles.
Becky Beach: 07:04
Yeah, takes a long time to build up. You got to get your audience and it just is very slow up a mountain. I like, kind of call it like going up Mount Everest because you can’t do it all in one day, it take a long time.
Faith Lee: 07:18
Yes. So, I guess I hopped into the blogging business without actually understanding or realizing all this. So then, it took me about two and a half, it will be one year, before I started making money from selling printables, I just started creating personal use printables. And the very first set of printables I created was using Excel. So, then I managed to sell it surprisingly. So that was very exciting and then I realized that “oh, wow, I can actually sell something.” So then, I love the fact that I can stay at home with my kids and still make money, have the freedom to organize my own time, do the things that I like, and the best part, of course, is to make money from it. So, then I slowly expanded to creating more printables and then I discovered the PLR niche, which was really a huge breakthrough for my business. So, it’s because of PLR, that I realized that I can actually sell my personal use printables as PLR Products, and then I can sell at a higher price, I have finally found an audience who truly appreciates my work. They like the stuff that I design, and they also appreciate the training that I conduct, it’s been an amazing last 12 months, finally like finding a group of people who is really my target audience, whom I can help, from my capacity, from my design skills for my online marketing skills.
So then, of course, the work I do in the day, it’s all scheduled around my kids schedule. So, I have to plan my day according to sending them to school, picking them from school bathing, feeding, cooking, cleaning, and just trying to find hours in between to run coaching calls or do product creation and record lessons for my courses. So, everything is done around my kids schedule.
Becky Beach: 09:15
Oh, that’s a great way to look at it. And for those that don’t know, a PLR stands for Private Label Rights. It’s like commercial use printables issue resell as your own. So, this is what Faith sells, she sells PLR printables where you can actually resell them and so do I. I was having a similar problem before where it was really hard for me to sell personal use but then when COVID hit my blog, you know, took off I started getting more sales with my personal use, and I do with my PLR right now, but I do didn’t notice at first it was kind of hard to sell personal use because I didn’t have enough traffic to my blog.
Faith Lee: 09:48
Yes. You definitely need more traffic for personal use, especially when you kind of have to price your personal use products slightly lower because there’s so many free printables out there. You need to make sure that is of high quality, high value and affordable price before people are actually willing to pay for the personal use products.
Becky Beach: 10:08
Yeah. because if you do so personally, you got to do it, like all about the benefits that they’re going to receive from the personal use, whereas it’s a lot easier to sell the PLR, because the benefit is making money. So, you can really emphasize that because they’re going to be using to make money. So that’s all you really need to say, when you’re selling it that makes it like easier to sell. That’s what I think anyway, what do you think about that?
Faith Lee: 10:30
I think it’s because like when you’re selling personal use, you’re selling to the end consumer. Whereas for PLR is like a b2b. You’re selling as a business to another business owner, who is more willing to invest because they are going to use this PLR to customize it, and then sell it and then they’re going to profit. So, from that perspective, as business owners, they are more willing to spend, and it becomes a regular thing that they will spend on, because they will be looking for new products, new private label rights products that they can customize new products to add to their store. So, it works because it’s b2b, I think that’s the main reason why it’s so attractive and it’s more lucrative than selling personal use products.
Becky Beach: 11:18
Yeah. Like now, I’m noticing I’m getting more money for my personal use because it’s just due to the traffic I’m receiving from my blog, my blog is really exploded over COVID. Because it’s all about working from home. So, all these people are coming to my blog, and they buy the printables, they go to my printable store, from a blog so that’s what I know is I think traffic plays a big part if you want to sell personally. So, if you go on Etsy, it’s like more marketplace, you can sell them on there, but you need a lot of them. So that’s why PLR, is very attractive because you can make a whole bunch of different personal use products from the PLR. Even like, even from one PLR you can make, like just dozens and dozens of personal use just with different customizations.
Faith Lee: 11:55
Yes. It does help people. I think a lot of us is just really trying to make more money like yourself, you have finally established your online business so well that you can actually ditch your nine to five. And that is incredibly amazing, and I think so many people actually look up to you for that. And they also want that for themselves and even before they actually can ditch their day job, they want to have that side income to be able to pay for stuff, like whether it’s just paying for bills or buying gifts, or just have the occasional indulgence. So, there is that demand out there that people want to make money online and having these commercial use printables or private label right printables makes it so much easier for them to get started because then they don’t have to worry so much about designing the things from scratch and it’s so much easier to just customize something, a template rather than start from a blank page completely.
Becky Beach: 12:55
yeah, I totally agree. That’s why I really love your training you do every time there’s a bundle, you always have like a training on how to customize the printables in the bundle. I really love those, like it’s customize with faith.
Faith Lee: 13:06
Thank you. Yeah. So, I think that very first series started out- if I’m not wrong, is probably one of April’s CCC toolbox. So, I actually didn’t make it for as a contributor. So, I guess I was still quite new. So, I wasn’t aware of all these events going on. But then I knew it that as an affiliate, so I bought it myself. And I thought, wow, I could promote this as an affiliate. So how do I try to capture my audience? So, I was already late to the game because there are other people already promoting the bundle. And I believe like, every time there’s a bundle, so many people buy it. So, I just wanted a piece of the pie.
so, I just wanted to think about how I can make my bonus attractive, so that idea just came that perhaps because having a bundle is awesome, because at a very pocket friendly price, you get access to so many different products, but it can be also quite overwhelming. Because like if you’ve got like 20 to 40 products, how do you decide which to choose? Or what can you do with them? Now you have like too many. So, I found that there is that training that is lacking that people actually need help, like tangible step by step tutorials kind of help to help them put things together to have that visual impact on, “Oh, you can actually take Product A you can customize it so that it’s totally unique”. So even though hundreds of people have actually bought the same toolbox and hundreds of people are actually using the same PLR template. But yours can still be unique because now you have this training which teaches you how to customize it in a special way.
Becky Beach: 14:53
That’s what I really love about you Faith because you care so much about your customers like you’re always trying to help them like That’s why I like to send my customers to you to purchase your products because you genuinely care about other people, you can really tell, like, Faith is the real deal. She really cares about other people like I’m starting to feel emotional about this because she cares so much about others and you can really tell and she wants them to be so successful, just like she has been so my heart just goes out to you Faith like you’re amazing. I started to feel so tingle.
Faith Lee: 15:23
Thank you. Me too. I’ve got this bumps. So, I was saying I am actually from Singapore, whereas most of my audience are actually from America in the US, as well as Europe. And when I first started out, I did feel like I was off like I couldn’t fit in. So, my Faith is a name that I only started using when I started running my online business. So, my actual name is Shen Wei. So that’s my Chinese name. I’m Chinese, I’m Singaporean Chinese. So, on my Facebook name, that is my actual name. So, I think most people the first time they see my name, they maybe they cannot pronounce it, or they are thinking who this person is. So, there were times that I actually felt like discriminated. I don’t know if I was being oversensitive, but I did feel for a very long time that I did not belong in all the different Facebook groups with all the American bloggers. so, I think that’s why that community thing was so like, beyond my reach. So then finally, all thanks to you and several other PLR content creators like Carmen like Ruth, like Devorah and Stephanie.
So, when I first reached out to you guys, after I discovered PLR, and then you guys were like, Okay, let- you so readily agreed to promote my product without knowing who I was, or without- I’m just perfectly new and yet, you just jumped in and you promote on our products, and that gave me such a huge boost to kicking start my PLR business. And that was the first time that I felt that you know that I actually belong somewhere, which is why I’m so amazed that I have found this community that I can call my own, no matter how I look, no matter what strange accent I have, what cultural background, which country I come from, I think this PLR community has really welcomed me with open arms and because of all that I’ve experienced I really hope to not have someone else feel the same way, you know, few being left out, or not having a community or finding it so hard to find partnership or find community. so, it’s from the personal experience that I really want to help people that are now like people in my community whom have trusted me enough to purchase my products to support me for my affiliate promotions and then come asking questions, and I’m always thinking of how I can help them better.
Becky Beach: 18:09
I completely agree. The PLR community is just really great. everybody’s so kind and everybody helps each other, but there’s some people that don’t help you, but others are like that’s just how they are, like, if I run into that, they won’t help me, if I help them, that’s just it’s how things are. So not everybody’s is like totally helpful, but like for the most part that they are and so it’s a really great community to be a part of, and I really like sell on someone as a PLR seller myself and so that might be something you might be interested in anyone’s listening, you might want to start selling PLR Products, if you’re having trouble selling personally, it’s really difficult for you maybe you should jump in and start selling PLR there’s like plenty of room for other sellers out there.
Faith Lee: 18:50
Yes, but I think if you do want to sell PLR you also need to make sure that- as I definitely welcome people joining the PLR community and selling PLR because selling PR has benefited my online business. But I would also like people to understand that there has to be effort as it’s not as easy as you think it is like I would say that I spent two years learning and creating hundreds of printables before I joined the PLR community, so if I had actually encountered so I got I came to know PLR by purchasing Ruth Bowers birthday bundle in 2020. So, if I had actually came across that let’s say in 2019, I would not be ready for PLR to be very honest because my design skills were not there. Whereas when it comes to PR you want to already have a foundation of knowing how to create printables. So, if you have been using PLR and you have been using PLR to customize them and sell personal use printables, but you are interested in selling PLR then my first advice would be to hone your design skills because there is definitely market there is definitely demand for PLR Products, but you need to be able to create something of quality, something that looks interesting, something that looks complex and sophisticated, so that people are actually willing to buy the PLR from you, as compared to spending their own time to create it. So, I would say, yes, this PLR market is open for everyone to come in, but you have to put in the effort in the design and honing those skills before you can really build a sustainable PLR business.
Becky Beach: 20:39
Yeah, I totally agree. When I was working my full-time job, there was just no way I could do a PLR business. I only started my PLR business within this last year because like I get there let me work from home. Like because of COVID because before that I was going to the office like every single day, I’ll stay insane until like five or six and going home and taking an hour to get home. There’s no way I had any energy to make any PLR product, I just wanted to use PLR that was already done, like to customize and turn to products. And I have over 80 products in my personal use printables store, most of it is PLR. So, I found that the more products you have their personal use, especially the more sales you get, like even on Esty it’s true and also on Shopify, that’s true, because there’s just so much variety of people to choose from. So that’s like one benefit of selling the personal use, because you can just make it faster because the PLR you make everything from scratch because you can’t take someone else’s PLR unless they give you master resell rights, but lots of people are not doing that.
Faith Lee: 21:37
like you said, for personal use products, I think one of the key factors of growing a personal use printables business is having lots of new products added to your shop on a very regular basis, whether it’s Etsy or Shopify or your WooCommerce store. Because having that regularity that new content added to your website really does help with search engine optimization. So, it is difficult to be adding new products every week. But with PLR, you can be adding new products to your personal use printable store very regularly and at a much faster pace. But whereas for PLR, once again, you want to be able to create a product that’s unique that has that reflects your own style, your style, your creativity, your design skills, so that people are willing to spend that money on your PLR product.
Becky Beach: 22:28
Oh, yes. that’s really a good point, I get my graphics from Etsy, like these clipart sellers, like, they’re a lot of times I’ll work with you. So, I’ll email them or message them on Etsy and say, “Hey, I like your clipart could I use it my PLR and I’ll explain my business model” and they say, “Oh, sure, you just got to buy my license”, so I buy their license. So that’s how, where I get my graphics from, because it’s kind of tricky. If you’re selling PLR where to get graphics so I’d like to work with Etsy sellers, because I like to give them some extra money too because these other graphics sites like Creative Fabrica and Design Bundles that they strict licensing. So, it’s really hard to get graphics from like, where do you get your graphics from?
Faith Lee: 23:09
I actually get it from Creative Fabrica and sometimes I illustrate them myself. So, like, I would do digital papers on procreate on the iPad. Yeah, but most of the time, I mean, I have to make sure that things are mixed and matched, so that you don’t violate the commercial use license rights. Yeah, so I usually mix and match so many different elements that it’s really hard to tell where the original elements come from, because so the idea is to create a new composite image so that it is totally different from the original and then at, like, your original elements, like the digital papers that I might have created on my own on procreate, it’s just to mix and match different elements so that my product will end up to be unique and different from other people’s.
Becky Beach: 23:52
Wow, that’s just so awesome. I just can’t believe how PLR exists, like, it just saved so much time and I only had like two products in my store, that’s all I had time to make. when I was first starting, like, I’ll probably still like make five products or less because I just didn’t have the time. I was a busy working mom in a nine to five job. So, PLR artists really save so much time and if you like have the energy to actually make it yourself, you can really make a lot more money, but it does take a lot of time and skill and you have to be really there for your customers because these customers depend on you for products. of course, there’s other people that they’re buying from too, but that’s why I like to think I like to serve my customers’ needs and actually put them before myself a lot of times even if I’m really tired, I just want to go to sleep and take a nap. But there’s still emails to answer. I’ll make sure I answer those emails beforehand.
Faith Lee: 24:41
Yeah, I think no matter what product you end up selling, I think that personal touch makes a lot of difference. Which is why I mean, I love to answer emails. it is time consuming. The truth is it is time consuming to reply to emails but when I reply to emails and I try to reply, like within 24 hours barring time difference and all that but usually every morning I will be replying to my email. So, most people, if they have written to me like in the wee hours when I was sleeping, I would be replying to them in the morning when I wake. So I think people appreciate that fast response and most importantly, they appreciate that when he asked a question, they get that personal feedback, that personal answer from you so that personal touch is so important because, like a PLR product would just be a PLR product, unless, like you said, when you have created it with your audience in mind, when you have created it based on people’s feedback, like maybe they say, Becky, or Faith, “can you do something like this” and then you say, “oh, yeah, I can” and then you create something that that caters to their needs and their demand and that is that human touch, and it makes your product unique and different from someone else’s.
This is also why I like to do courses, I think courses gives people even though even though I don’t always record my lessons with my face on, but during the times when I do, like I have my face on as I’m going through the different lessons, I also think that it helps with that connection. So, people kind of get familiar to also this is face. So, this is how she teaches, and this is the style. So, then it helps them better absorb the information because whether it’s PLR that I create, or whether it’s courses that I create, I do want people to actually benefit from it, I do want people to come back for more like, I’m not just here for like a month or two and to grab your money and run away. I’m in here for the long haul, I want to have a sustainable business that can run for years and years. So, I think that human touch that Becky’s touched that Faith’s touch, that your unique personality and that human interaction that is so important, no matter what kind of products you’re selling,
Becky Beach: 27:02
Yeah, that’s so beautifully put, everybody has like their own special touch. Like my style is different for other people’s, when your style is different, everybody has their own different style. And you end up getting fans, people want to buy from you because they like your style and that becomes their store style. that’s what happens their story, might have a certain style and their customers start adopting that style. So, they’ll tend to like a purchase from like, a few sellers or they have the style they’re going for, like there’s like a simple aesthetic. I like to use watercolor graphics in mine because I just love watercolor graphics, they are just so beautiful. And when I look at them, like that’s the kind of printables I like to buy, or ones with watercolor graphics. So, I kind of bring that to my own products.
Faith Lee: 27:44
I like watercolor florals. So, I’m always floral. so, like you said, because our individual personalities are different. So, then these are reflected in the creations that we make. So, then our products will reflect our unique personality, and then they will also reflect. And then when people take our unique products and customize them, then it becomes unique to them. So then, like you said, like, you start with Becky’s PLR, and then a Becky fan buys it, and then he customizes it and then becomes unique to that person and then it just keeps spreading on and on and it just all starts with that one creative project.
Becky Beach: 28:26
Yeah, I just love seeing what people create with my PLR. Like, they’ll show me a lot of times what they made, and it looks so different than what I had started with. I’m like, “wow, I didn’t think of that. That’s a really cool design on tactic they did there”, so I just like to see what people are doing. Every now and then I’ll like search to apply the name of a printables that just now put out there on Etsy and see what if there’s any people that used it, and I’ll get all these different variations of it. And I’m like, “wow, this is so great, I just love seeing my work, you put it out there” because that’s why I used to be a fine artist but then I decided to be a web developer, web designer, because I wanted to having my art to be shown everywhere in the whole world, not just limited to like a museum like it was before in high school, I would make art for museums and stuff. And they would sell it but then when I went to college I started doing like web and that’s why I love the internet so much because your art can be seen anywhere and with PLR people actually customizing your art using it and making money from it. You’re giving them all these benefits of making money for their family. It’s just an amazing feeling. I just really love it.
Faith Lee: 29:28
So, you have found that perfect sweet spot. So, you’re good with the internet and you’re good at designing and then now you’re making business because you have put your skills and your passions together which is amazing Becky.
Becky Beach: 29:40
Yes. I’m really happy like I love to wake up every morning before when I was going my nine to five job, I always like dread and I would just stay in a corner and go and like just almost feel like crying because I had to get up so early and I hated it. I would try to lean against the corner and try to get some more sleep.
Faith Lee: 29:56
I’m so glad you managed to get rid of that. I mean, I think it takes so much courage to do that, you know. So, it’s really amazing that you have built a business that is sustainable enough. And then you having the courage to say, Bye, boss.
Becky Beach: 30:19
My boss was a big sweetheart though he was a really good guy, he wasn’t happy working there, himself. So, like, I just wish him the best, but I’ve had really toxic awful bosses in the past. that ones have made me cry. You know, it’s one, he said, “I wasn’t creative enough” but can you believe that? Me not creative enough? Seriously?
Faith Lee: 30:40
They don’t know you, Becky.
Becky Beach: 30:41
yeah, they didn’t know me that well. Well, he told me I wasn’t creative enough. I didn’t even deserve my title. I was at three that was the highest you can get to be a manager. And he said, “I deserve to be like a one”. I was like- I can laugh and laugh now but back then I was like, I don’t want anybody–
Faith Lee: 31:00
I can imagine. [crosstalk 31:02] but take that, guys. I mean, look at what you’ve achieved on your own right now. And I think the best part is that everything that I have now is, are built with my own hands. I mean, of course, everything is online, I can’t really hold it but you know, what I mean, as in you have literally built an online business based on your own creative mind and your own hands even if you’re keying on the keyboard and moving the mouse, but you did everything on your own right, of course, with the help of affiliates with the help of other working partners that you work with like, artists that you hire but you have literally built something with your own hands which is so different from being an employee.
I think the good thing is nobody can take that away from us now that we have the skills to build something online, even if it’s an Etsy seller using PLR, to build a sustainable online business, you have built something on your own and I think nobody else can take that away from you. No other mean boss, no mean colleague can take that away from us, even if tights were a change, even COVID comes you know, whatever other horrible things happen again, the only space is here to stay, I think for years, so definitely more things are moving on to digital space and, then it will just be about perhaps, changing your perhaps the products, you can from printables can move to or maybe like, if we just focused on kids printables, you can move on to other types of printables but once you have that skill set to run an online business, I think you’re kind of set for life, you know, you have that skills and the expertise and that creative mind to be building things and modifying things and just adapting to whatever winds that will change but you can still have a sustainable online business.
Becky Beach: 33:08
yes, I really advise anybody listening to get an email list because like email list is my lifeline. I make most of my money from my email list, like I got one for my personal use, and one for my commercial use, like two of them. And I just make so much money from both of them, it’s just outrageous amount money I could make for my email list and that’s nothing could take that away from me, like I made sure to regularly back it up each week, because I’m kind of nervous that my email provider is going to lose it because that’s happened before as these servers are totally like solid and solid as a rock. you got to make sure you back it up that way. Just gives you some peace of mind.
Faith Lee: 33:09
Yeah. I mean, I guess that is the downside of running a business on the online space, because everything is digital. So, you should have like different copies of backup. backup in the cloud backup, and on your phone or your desktop, multiple places to make sure that you retain whatever things that you have built for your business, that’s very good advice. I’m not backing up as often as I should. So that’s definitely something I should be doing more.
Becky Beach: 34:19
Yeah. You just set a time. Like, I have a Google Calendar and I put it on there every week, I put a little time block on there. What I got to do so I put that, so I remind myself and I set an alert on my phone to do it.
Faith Lee: 34:34
That’s a good suggestion. I should do that, too. Yes, but thankfully, fingers crossed. That things are going well, but yeah, we should always take precautions. We should always take precautions especially backing up the email list.
Becky Beach: 34:51
Yeah, like I’ve had lots of bad things happened to my business. one time my PayPal was shut down for a couple of weeks and that was it a big nightmare. You remember that?
Faith Lee: 35:02
Yeah. In fact, I was so worried, but I think I was really amazed at how fast you found alternatives and worked with the alternatives because I think that Pay Pal issue took longer than you would have liked to be resolved. So, it did ran for a couple of weeks. Yeah, but I think what amazed me was that you found alternatives really quickly, and you jumped right in. So, I guess we can’t see all the efforts and all the frustration that you experienced during those three weeks, behind the scenes, but what we see is that you react really quickly, and I think that was awesome. In fact, if PayPal ever dies on me, I think I would die my business would die.
Becky Beach: 35:54
[inaudible 35:54] another country.
Faith Lee: 35:58
Yeah, because I’m an international seller. So, it’s going to be so much harder. So at least right now, because I’m using ThriveCart, which integrates well with stripe. So, I do have customers paying both on Stripe and PayPal. So, I think Stripe will be my alternative if PayPal if Touchwood ever fails. But PayPal, will still be my go-to platform because I’m an international seller.
Becky Beach: 36:27
yeah. PayPal is like really easy. So, a lot of people accept it only [inaudible 36:11] customers online only want to pay with it online. So that’s why it was really difficult for me. But yeah, you’re right. I did overcome when I found alternate sources like Payoneer and Venmo. And, like just other ones out there. I forgot all the ones I found. I also did stripe invoicing. there’s a will there’s a way like I was going to keep going keep on keeping on. I was prepared to lose this Pay Pal for good because they were saying that I was some kind of pyramid scheme and that’s why they were shut my PayPal I don’t even know I’ve never even done a pyramid scheme before. I don’t know what they’re talking about. So, that’s what they’re saying but I finally I got the Pay Pal resolved by tweeting ask Pay Pal on Twitter. So, I just tweeted them said, Hey I am this business owner, I am a woman, small business owner. Now these people started retweeting me saying, well, you’re trying to keep a small businesswoman down or a small woman business owner down, they had retweeted me and hey bad publicity. So, they reinstated my account within a couple of days.
Faith Lee: 37:30
Oh, wow. That’s very good advice. It’s something we should definitely keep in mind if we ever have any issue, so we need your platform.
Becky Beach: 37:40
[inaudible 37:39] keeping somebody down, like keeping me down, I’ll retweet you and I say, Hey, don’t get there doing this. There is poor girl here.
Faith Lee: 37:47
Yes, I must make sure that I’m on your Twitter so that any problem happen. I can have you retweeting my tweets.
Becky Beach: 37:55
Yeah, [inaudible 37:56]. Yeah, that’s why what you got to do what you got to do, you know, you can’t, like I don’t believe in just letting things happen that are bad. Like, when something bad happens I make sure to fix it. I don’t care how long it takes, you know, I’m going to be very persistent. That’s what I think gives me strength as a business owner, I have grit, I’m going to hang in there. I’m not going to give up because I’ve overcome so much. Like, if anybody was listening to previous podcasts. I mentioned about how I had a really rough childhood growing up when I was living paycheck to paycheck, so I’ve been in there, I’ve been in the thick of it, so I’m ready to get out there. I’m not let anything bad happen to drag me down.
Faith Lee: 38:37
Yeah, I feel you. Thank you so much for sharing all your personal experiences. I think that is also why like, the emails are so powerful, because you can actually share your personal stories and even when there are subscribers who are not actually replying to us, I think many of them have actually been positively impacted when we share our personal stories because then there is that connection there is that once again, that human touch because they know that you’re not some bot typing words out there, that you’re a human being that they can relate to and I think I’ve read some of your very vulnerable, candid and honest newsletters, where you share about your struggles and overcoming all that and then starting your own podcast and that is so amazing, Becky, that is so amazing.
Becky Beach: 39:30
I am still like in imposter syndrome mode. I go like, Who am I to start a podcast? Who cares about me? Like, I’m like a nobody.
Faith Lee: 39:39
Yeah, but I mean, there are still millions of people who don’t know us but there are people who know us and who value the work that we do, and I think knowing that it’s a huge source of motivation to keep us going and then just trying different ways and means to expand our audience so that we can reach out to more people who would also appreciate our help.
Becky Beach: 40:01
Yes, that’s why I like podcasts a lot because you can listen to it at the gym you can listen to as you’re driving or as you’re gardening or as you’re cleaning the house, you know, and but with the video, you got to sit there and watch the video and listen, so it’s taken both your senses with a podcast just takes your hearing sense.
Faith Lee: 40:17
Yep, that’s true. Maybe something I could do next year.
Becky Beach: 40:21
Oh, yeah, yes. I’m all for it. Yeah, I bet everybody wants to hear a Faith Podcast. I’m sure we’d download it.
Faith Lee: 40:28
I’m not sure how I’m going to do that, though but maybe when the time comes, I’m going to ask you for tips.
Becky Beach: 40:34
Oh, sure. I’m just filming, and I know what I’m doing, really, I should call this the I don’t know what I am doing podcast, because I just don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just like, [inaudible 40:21] out there.
Faith Lee: 40:45
Well, there are people downloading and there are people listening. So, you must be doing something right.
Becky Beach: 40:53
Yes, I am, like I did get this podcasters toolkit, like a while back that. I mean, going through the material get some tips.
Faith Lee: 41:03
Okay, that’s cool. I bought that too, but I haven’t looked into that because I guess it’s just something that I would like to do in the future but at least for the next six months, I don’t think I have that like scheduled down in my business plans. So, I have to look into that like later on. Hey, Becky, do you mind me asking so what’s your plan for next year?
Becky Beach: 41:26
Oh, I was about to ask you the same thing like what’s next would you do? You read my mind. I was going to ask you next Okay, well, for me, I’m just going to continue growing my podcast, I’ve been making this other alternative coaching site called www.coachbeckybeach.com it’s still in the works, it’s up but it needs to be modified a little bit more. So, I’ve been doing that. So, I’m going to start like a like a higher end coaching program. for people that really need like one-on-one coaching and like group coaching as well. So, I’m going to do that. So that’s like next on the list. I’m going to be starting like a tiny course empire likes Cindy Bédard. She’s actually joining us next week is Cindy Bédard of www.cindybedard.com and she does like these tiny courses, and I know that you have like your own tiny course empire as well. And it’s really helping your business. So, I’m going to go and like do that, that is what my next goal is to start a tiny course empire.
Faith Lee: 42:18
So, you’re going to be creating more courses and running coaching programs.
Becky Beach: 42:23
Oh, yeah, my heart is thrilling to coaching. I really love to help other people because I find I just look forward to Wednesday. That’s when I do my coaching is on Wednesdays, this little membership. It’s kind of small. I only get like 20 or 30 people in it but it’s like, it’s really small and tight knit and I just look forward to seeing these people every single week and helping them, so I was like to listen to their problems and like, help them through what they’re going through and I just feel it’s my favorite part of the weekends. Wednesdays, I just can’t wait for Wednesdays.
Faith Lee: 42:52
That’s, two days from now.
Becky Beach: 42:55
yeah, it’s my favorite day of the week now because I just love, just because I’m kind of a lonely person, because I’m a solopreneur. So, I like to talk with other people. That’s why I’m really excited to talk with you tonight because I’ve been lonely all day not really having any people to talk to.
Faith Lee: 43:09
Yeah, I mean, I can definitely get that the lonely part about being a solopreneur. I mean, like, literally, I’m running the business on my own and for a large part of it. My husband wasn’t even, like, agreeable to it. So, it was a lot of struggling and trying to make things work but I think I saw what he didn’t see because I kept reading about different stories on how other mompreneurs managed to build a business where they can get like, maybe just $1,000 a month, and that was really just what I wanted too, you know, to have, like, $1,000 a month more. And I think that would like make me so happy and then having to struggle through building and learning and then it was just such a lonely journey. Which is why, like you said, I mean, like you enjoy this group coaching. And it’s also been because of this final quarter breakthrough three-month program that I’ve been running, that I realized that I really enjoy the group coaching sessions.
So, I’ve been running about almost once a week in the last four weeks, where we have like this two hour live training where I will sometimes, I’ll run like a structured lesson during the Zoom call. But most of the time we’re doing Q&A’s as well as reviewing the participants work. And at the end of two hours, I will be so exhausted because I feel like I’m giving so much energy and to that call but then it is so incredibly satisfying because the feedback is instantaneous. You know, this is as close as we’re going to get to see each other face to face. I mean, you’re in the US I’m in Singapore, but we have this face to face interaction and with my group coaching participants, they can ask me questions directly I can help them like tangibly right away, and they can learn new things like on the spot so in that two hours, even though after that it feels like “oh I’m so drained from all that mental energy that I’ve used” but it’s been really satisfying so yeah so I do like this group coaching style and which is also why I started this new mastermind program where you get unlimited access to all my courses plus the group coaching elements so I do I really love the personal interaction because I think that is what makes my business a real business, I’m not just selling products I have that personal interaction, I think that really gives me that boost that drives me to want to create more so that I can really help people because these are real people and I’m a real person you know, so there’s this real interaction and I think the most rewarding part is also seeing that the participants in our programs are actually making progress like they didn’t know how to create a sales page and now they do they were making money and now they have set up sales funnels that make money so it’s really amazing that other people can also do what we are doing now.
Becky Beach: 46:17
Yes, because any skill can be learned that doesn’t matter what skill it is because growing up, I didn’t get any social skills like nobody taught me social skills, so I end up having to get a book and read only to learn about social skills that’s how bad it was. So, there are no I got like really good social skills because I taught myself so anybody can learn if I could learn social skills anybody could learn like marketing and email and making courses because it doesn’t take that long at all. like I made a course actually last week you can believe it. I spent one day making slides in Canva. You can actually make slides if you can’t afford PowerPoint, you can make your slides in Canva and then the next day I record all the videos of me talking to the slides and I talk about other stuff and by using the slides as like the focal point, so all the focus was not on me because then I’ll get nervous as hell when [inaudible 47:05] to do it.
Faith Lee: 47:08
You can definitely do it especially with the podcast going on. I mean, I think you’re very comfortable on the camera. I know the podcast listeners cannot see your face, but you definitely look comfortable and confident, and nobody will believe that you have to self-teach social skills so once again Becky thank you so much for being so honest with us and sharing so it can be about yourself, I really appreciate it as part of your audience.
Becky Beach: 47:36
So, what are your goals? Like what are your goals for your business coming up? Like would you do more group coaching?
Faith Lee: 47:43
Yes, so I really want to focus energy on helping people in the more tangible manner I definitely courses us here to stay I do want to still create new courses like what you said it’s from Cindy Bédard, tiny course empire just create a small training every month so that there’s always new training to kind of inspire people to add new skills to the students and then have that group coaching so and I also want- Oh, this is the first time I’m saying it out loud. I want to hold a summit next year.
Becky Beach: 48:17
I want to be in it, pick me- pick me- pick me.
Faith Lee: 48:22
So, I actually sign up for this summit in the box this groupcoachingcourse/mastermind program so I’m really excited about it, but I think I can only like kind of really dive into it in December, so I do hope to run my own summit next year and have different speakers and I think it’s going to be a huge undertaking to be honest. So, I guess I wasn’t really- I guess I am little afraid to tell people that I want to do that because I mean my list compared to many other bloggers and many other online sellers is still very small as compared to them so it’s going to be huge step for me, but I mean you never know until you try right so that’s going to be my big project next year.
Becky Beach: 49:13
Wow, that’s exciting. I can’t wait, I would I’ll definitely I won’t even call it [inaudible 49:18] well if you want [inaudible 49:20] you find someone that knows what they’re doing but as I know, somebody is good about running these. I might want to talk to her about it but don’t have any clue about what to do.
Faith Lee: 49:33
But if I’m looking for speakers, I’ll definitely be looking for you.
Becky Beach: 49:38
Okay, well, it’s been so great have you today on the show? is there anything that you’re wanting to promote?
Faith Lee: 49:45
so, I have my new membership program that is going to be launched on Black Friday is called “Design your Biz Membership”, where just at $47 a month you get access to all my existing courses, unlimited access and as well as new courses added, so it’s really affordable and the doors are going to just be open that one time this year over Black Friday. So, if you miss it, you miss it. And then, of course, you can still get my courses at their standalone prices, which will be a bit more hefty. So this is definitely a good time to join in and if you just top up $20 that will make you a “Design your Biz Mastermind client”, where you get unlimited access to all my courses plus the group coaching that I’ve been talking about, we have Facebook group, we’ve got monthly coaching calls, where our have like a fixed theme each month like we can be, I’ve got lined up, things lined up like mastering Canva, mastering PowerPoint, mastering email marketing, different topics that we’ll tackle with every month. So, there are new things to learn during the group coaching session and of course, you have access to ask me questions anytime on the Facebook group and during the coaching session. So, I really look forward to helping more people in a very tangible way next year in this mastermind program.
Becky Beach: 51:07
Yes, and please go to www.mombeach.com/podcast because I’ll have there the show notes where you can find out about Faith’s program like the signup links. And as you’re going to give us a special coupon maybe?
Faith Lee: 51:20
Sure. I will send in the email.
Becky Beach: 51:23
I thought to put you on the spot here. My people like coupons, I like to say.
Faith Lee: 51:29
sure, I’ll either give you a coupon or I’ll give you a special bonus. How about that Becky? Oh,
Becky Beach: 51:34
Okay. Yeah, whatever. Just give us- give us- give me- give us.
Faith Lee: 51:39
Okay! No problem. Thank you so much for having me.
Becky Beach: 51:44
I am so happy you agreed. I know, you’re so busy with your three kids and your big business. You got me girl!
Faith Lee: 51:53
Thank you so much. I really appreciate this friendship and I look forward to more opportunities that we can work together.
Becky Beach: 52:00
Yeah. So again, go to www.mombeach.com/podcast to get all the goodies. We’ll see you next time. Goodbye.
Faith Lee: 52:09
Becky Beach: 52:10
Thank you so much for listening to the Becky Beach show. Please go to www.mombeach.com/slash podcast to learn more about my podcast and for show notes. if you want a 2024 free printable gold planner, please go to www.mombeach.com/subscribe. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Have a great day. Goodbye.
Transcribed by Neeraj_Chand